When your child with disabilities has been displaced . . .

image of the word I E P many times in a jumble1)  If your Florida student’s disabilities include sensory losses, you may benefit from Technical Assistance to facilitate his/her special education program, supports, and services:

**The Florida & Virgin Islands Deaf-Blind Collaborative can assist families of students affected by both hearing and vision losses (with or without other disabilities).**



**The regional CARD centers (Center for Autism & Related Disabilities) serve individuals throughout the state who have been diagnosed with deaf-blindness (both hearing and vision losses) or a sensory impairment with other disabilities.

Find your CARD center: http://card.ufl.edu/about-card/find-your-card/


2) Following a hurricane, the Florida Department of Education posts guidance and updates on public schools/districts, public institutions of higher education, and Division of Blind Services and Division of Vocational Rehabilitation offices in affected areas.

Read the updates at: http://www.fldoe.org/em-response/storm-info.stml


3) The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act gives certain rights to families “displaced” by natural disaster.

*Read more from FloridaLawHelp.org.

*Guidance on the Homeless Education Program from the Florida Department of Education.

*Additional information from the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates: www.copaa.org/page/DisplacedHomeless

*The National Center for Homeless Education provides resources:

Parent Resources

Special Education Resources

School Help for Homeless Children with Disabilities: Information for Parents