Welcome to the Transition Self-Advocacy Portfolio! These documents are intended to guide a young person with deaf-blindness, a family, and/or an educational team in developing goals for the future AND a set of experiences, supports, strategies, resources, and SKILLS that promote a successful adult life.
Each document represents an important aspect of deaf-blindness and/or a domain of adult life. A young person will need to have a variety of experiences to develop necessary skills and understanding. The youth (and family/representatives) will also need to learn to advocate for an array of technologies, supports, and accommodations. Transition planning must involve discovery of “what works” in multiple contexts. The young person must become comfortable with communicating his/her strengths, needs, interests, and preferences. The transition team should ensure this young person understands the informed choices he/she is making for adult life.
Progress toward skills will be reflected by the indicators: “Mastered;” “Some experience/Still developing;” or “No experience/Not applicable.” Some skills will be described as “Independent” and others “With Assistance.” Each document of the Transition self-Advocacy Portfolio can be used independently; particular topics may be added to an existing Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE); or all documents can be compiled into a comprehensive portfolio.
I. About Me: Goals for “About Me” center on building self-awareness, developing understanding, making informed choices, and expressing those choices.
ii. About My Team: Goals for “About My Team” center on developing and expanding community connections who will support a successful transition from school to adult life.
III. About My Hearing: Goals for “About My Hearing” center on using and advocating for hearing technologies and accommodations effectively.
IV. About My Vision: Goals for “About My vision” center on using and advocating for vision technologies and accommodations effectively.
V. About My Receptive Communication: Goals for “About My Receptive Communication” center on identifying communication needs, as well as advocating for appropriate languages, modes and methods of communication, and accommodations effectively.
VI. About My Expressive Communication: Goals for “About My Expressive Communication” center on using communication to effectively express ideas.
VII. About My Adult Life: Goals for “About My Adult Life” center on identifying and developing skills that will be needed in chosen post-school contexts and environments.
VIII. About My Self-Care: Goals for “About My Self-Care” center on developing effective routines for Health / Hygiene and Grooming / Dressing.
IX. About My Orientation & Mobility: Goals for “About My Orientation & Mobility” center on moving around and among environments effectively.
X. About My Transportation: Goals for “About My transportation” center on traveling safely and effectively.
XI. About My Education: Goals for “About My Education” center on learning that promotes skill development, current and future employment, and successful adult living.
XII. About My Employment: Goals for “About My Employment” center on encouraging exploration, facilitating a variety of experiences, and identifying meaningful options for daily life after exiting school.
XIII. What Works: The What Works section is a place to identify the best supports and strategies, as they have been applied to various activities and environments. Which environments and activities have been enjoyable and successful? What supports and strategies have enabled these successes?
The Transition Self-Advocacy Portfolio was adapted and compiled into a packet
for the 2022 Midwest Transition Institute:
The About Me Transition Portfolio for Teenagers and Young Adults who are DeafBlind
Check back often to see additions to the Transition ToolKit.
Feedback is appreciated!
Contact shellyv@ufl.edu with your suggestions or questions.
Thank you
Creating Vocational Portfolios for Adolescents with Significant Disabilities, Mary C. Zatta, Ph.D.
Recorded webcast: www.perkinselearning.org/videos/webcast/creating-vocational-portfolios-adolescents-significant-disabilities
Transcript: www.perkinselearning.org/videos/webcast/creating-vocational-portfolios-adolescents-significant-disabilities#
Portfolios & One-Page Profiles
How to Create a Winning Video Resume,
Maurice Belote, California Deaf-Blind Services
Document: https://www.sfsu.edu/~cadbs/27VideoResume.pdf
National Initiative: Transition,
National Center on Deaf-Blindness
Webpage: https://www.nationaldb.org/national-initiatives/transition/
A Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education & Employment for
Youth with Disabilities, US Office of Special Education Programs
Transition Guide for Students who are Deaf-Blind,
The University of South Dakota Center for Disabilities
Document: www.transitionplanningasia.org/sites/tpa.perkinsdev1.org/files/uploaded-files/transitionguide.pdf
Transition Planning for Students Who Are Deaf-Blind,
C.L. Ingraham (ed.), PEPNet-South
Document: https://dcmp.org/learn/static-assets/566_transition-planning-for-students-who-are-deafblind.pdf
Using Portfolios For Effective Representation of Individuals with Disabilities,
Mast, Sweeney, & West
Using a Visual Resume for Job Development,
Ellen Condon