Archived Webinar: Involving Dads

Presentation cover slide shows the logo of the Resource Materials and Technology Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and reads: Involving dads how to encourage and support involvement by dads

Archived Presentation Video

This workshop is designed to help moms, families, friends, and professionals understand the issues that may impact a father’s involvement in his children’s lives. Mark Keith is the Parent & Family Liaison and a Training Specialist with the Resource Materials & Technology Center for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing (RMTC-DHH). He is also the father of a successful young man who is deaf and has cerebral palsy. Mark will help us to identify specific reasons a dad may not be participating and describe strategies for helping fathers become more involved. 

Original Presentation: Tuesday, December 10, 2024 from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST