All Posts by

Denise Voelker


In October 2023, the Florida & Virgin Islands (FAVI) Deaf-Blind Collaborative became the FAVI DeafBlind Collaborative. The terms DeafBlind and deaflindness, without a hyphen, are accepted usage in both the United States and Europe. This change emphasizes that being DeafBlind means more than the addition of deafness and…

Marvin’s Market Adventure: Sneak Peek

sponsored by the Family Learning Partnership of State DeafBlind Projects New to Story Time?  Meet Marvin, and learn about all his fun, accessible learning adventures.  Get a sneak peak at all the fun experiences and learning opportunities that make the Marvin’s Market Adventure show a fabulous…

Transition Self-Advocacy Portfolio

Welcome to the Transition Self-Advocacy Portfolio!  These documents are  intended to guide a young person with deaf-blindness, a family, and/or an educational team in developing goals for the future AND a set of experiences, supports, strategies, resources, and SKILLS that promote a successful adult life. Each document represents an important…

Florida Parent Road Map: By Parents for Parents

We’re on this road together… How did you arrive on this road? Were you in an obstetrician’s office the day you learned your baby would be born with a disability? In the delivery room? Or, was your child older, and…

What is the FAVI DeafBlind Collaborative?

The Florida and Virgin Islands (FAVI) DeafBlind Collaborative provide consultation and support to children and youth (ages birth through 21) who have both hearing loss and vision loss (diagnosed or suspected). We consult with families, educators, service providers, agencies and educational teams…

NCDB at Work

Learn more about the National Center on Deaf-Blindness (NCDB) and their initiatives. NCDBatWork-V3…

FREE Online Learning: OHOA DeafBlind Intervener Learning Modules

The FAVI Deaf-Blind Collaborative has partnered with the Mississippi Hearing-Vision Project to offer the Open Hands Open Access (OHOA) Deaf-Blind Intervener Modules to cohorts of educators, interpreters, other professionals and paraprofessionals who are serving students with combined hearing and vision loss. These cohorts are facilitated by an expert…

IEP Resources

IEP-resources LEA-ImplementationGuide-2022-23 florida-ese-funding-model-matrix-of-service-2022…