Story Time: Meet Marvin!

Come along on an exciting adventure with Marvin and Gwynnie-Gwyn-Gwyn

GET A SNEAK PEEK of Marvin’s Market Adventure (beginning September 26, 2024)

The Family Learning Partnership of State DeafBlind Projects invites you to:

Who doesn’t love a good rainbow spin?

Gwyn is wearing a hat and glasses and holding a large paper cut-out of Grandma and the Marvin doll.  A yellow fish with red stripes and a glittery blue eye is on the front of the black hat.  Gwyn wears a red shirt and a yellow scarf.  Marvin in a white, knitted doll with black hair, round black glasses, a yellow sweater, and green pants.  Grandma is pictured as having pink skin, short white hair, sparkly round blue glasses, dark eyes, rosy cheeks and a big smile.  Grandma wears a red dress with yellow sleeves and yellow buttons.  She holds an orange basket over one elbow and holds an orange carrot in her hand.

Gwyn McCormack of Positive Eye presents Story Time-featuring kind and helpful Marvin and other fun characters-with children and families.

Families and teachers can register for upcoming shows with ASL and Spanish interpretations, download text and materials, and access recorded presentations that can be watched over and over!

Florida families, contact Shelly Voelker for more information.

Not from Florida or the US Virgin Islands?
Please contact your state Deaf-Blind project to learn how to join us.