We Are Here For You

The Florida & Virgin Islands (FAVI) DeafBlind Collaborative provides individualized consultation and training to families, professionals, schools, and districts serving children and young adults (birth through 21 years) who are affected by both hearing loss and vision loss (diagnosed or suspected)–with or without other disabilities.  If you know a child or young adult who is unable to use her/his vision and hearing effectively for communication and learning, please contact the FAVI team for assistance. 

Created For Parents By Parents

Florida Parent Road Map

We’re on this road together. How did you arrive on this road? However you got here, you are not alone. We are here —we are parents who have been where you are now.

Young girl opens her arms wide during a sign language class

For Your Information

on the calendar


Upcoming Events

  1. Feb 27

  2. Mar 27

  3. Apr 24

Accessibility Toolkit for State DeafBlind Projects