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Webinar: CVI Range Assessment

Cortical Visual Impairment: CVI Range Assessment 3:30 pm Eastern, April 24, 2025 online via Zoom Register: TBD The CVI Range (Roman-Lantzy, 2007; Rev. 2018) is an assessment protocol designed specifically for the evaluation of functional vision in students with CVI. When students with CVI exhibit the unique behavioral characteristics,…

FAVI Events & Activities Newsletter: Winter 2025

January – March 2025 January 14 Webinar: What Is the Communication Matrix? Nancy Steele 11:00 am Eastern, January 14, 2025 online via Zoom Click Here to Register  Nancy Steele is an Educational Consultant, with expertise in children with significant disabilities, including deafblindness. She taught deaf and…

Webinar: CVI Intervention

Cortical Visual Impairment: Approaches to Intervention and Educational Development 3:30 pm Eastern, May 22, 2025 online via Zoom Please register here: TBD Children and youth with CVI can be expected to make progress in their visual functioning given appropriate, child-centered and assessment-based interventions to both educational curricula and activities, as…


In October 2023, the Florida & Virgin Islands (FAVI) Deaf-Blind Collaborative became the FAVI DeafBlind Collaborative. The terms DeafBlind and deaflindness, without a hyphen, are accepted usage in both the United States and Europe. This change emphasizes that being DeafBlind means more than the addition of deafness and…

Marvin’s Market Adventure: Sneak Peek

sponsored by the Family Learning Partnership of State DeafBlind Projects New to Story Time?  Meet Marvin, and learn about all his fun, accessible learning adventures.  Get a sneak peak at all the fun experiences and learning opportunities that make the Marvin’s Market Adventure show a fabulous…

What is the FAVI DeafBlind Collaborative?

The Florida and Virgin Islands (FAVI) DeafBlind Collaborative provide consultation and support to children and youth (ages birth through 21) who have both hearing loss and vision loss (diagnosed or suspected). We consult with families, educators, service providers, agencies and educational teams…

IEP Resources

IEP-resources LEA-ImplementationGuide-2022-23 florida-ese-funding-model-matrix-of-service-2022…

Congratulations to Emily Taylor-Snell

Emily Taylor-Snell, M.Ed., Consultant The Florida & Virgin Islands (FAVI) Deaf-Blind Collaborative congratulates Emily Taylor-Snell as she begins her retirement after serving individuals and families affected by deaf-blindness and their educational teams–as well as many schools, districts, professionals and organizations– over her impressive career. Emily Taylor-Snell served as Project Coordinator…